The filmmaker goes to discover Meir the village where her great-grandparents were born, the place her grandparents left, but continued to love. When she goes, she discovers a village that people are trying to leave.
The mostly true story of seven friends mortgaging the future to rock in the present... a film by Fiona Woodman featuring footage from Alien Boy and Cool Original's summer 2019 "Never Stop Hanging Out Tour"
Food, medicine, weapons and ammunition. During the war, the young Antonietta transported all this at night in a heavy backpack to her partisan group in the mountains at great risk. She breaks her silence about this time because she fears that her memories of the resistance will die with her.
Faced with a breast cancer diagnosis, [the protagonist] is determined to approach her journey with positivity. Through intimate flashbacks, we see moments that shaped her journey and images that show it’s possible to find beauty and light even in the darkest moments.
Einstein proposed that time might not flow linearly, suggesting that spacetime bends and warps under powerful matter, seen as gravity's fluctuations. During the pandemic, people experienced this concept firsthand: shrinking horizons made time seem to both stand still and race forward. Daniel Cockburn’s video Ahead of the Curve reflects this surreal period when norms vanished, and internet rabbit holes drew people in—either as black holes for doomscrolling or wormholes to discovery. Through a darkly comic narrative, Cockburn spins a tale full of unexpected twists, linking past and present with disorienting shifts in tone, setting, and tempo, offering hints of what might lie ahead.