Skin Shade Night Day explores the daily routine and rituals practised by the artist’s Cambodian-Australian family, which are reperformed and documented through a process of embodied empathy. Acts of service, such as gardening and cooking, play out as echoes from the past across a sound and image installation displayed in a shadehouse. Spectres, shadows and aural textures conjure up impressions of a place that remembers how its inhabitants once lived.
Is Skin Shade Night Day on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Skin Shade Night Day is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Skin Shade Night Day becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Allison Chhorn | Director |
Production | Chris Luscri | Producer |
Production | Anastasia Comelli | Producer |
Sound | Josh Peters | Sound |
Editing | Niklas Malkin | Colorist |