Two teenagers, Haruka and Natsuki, win a lottery and run off to Tokyo to enjoy life. There, they meet a third girl, Fumiko, and decide to form an idol group and break into show biz.
Is Willful Idol on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Willful Idol is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Willful Idol becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Junichi Sato | Director |
Writing | Junichi Sato | Screenplay |
Writing | Kenichi Kotani | Comic Book |
Art | Fumihiro Uchikawa | Art Direction |
Visual Effects | Jouji Kikuchi | Animation Director |
Camera | Sadafumi Sano | Director of Photography |
Production | Katsunori Haruta | Producer |
Production | Minoru Takanashi | Producer |