In 1841, young Ishmael signs up for service aboard the Pequod, a whaler sailing out of New Bedford. The ship is under the command of Captain Ahab, a strict disciplinarian who exhorts his men to find Moby Dick, the great white whale. Ahab lost his his leg to that creature and is desperate for revenge. As the crew soon learns, he will stop at nothing to gain satisfaction.
Is Moby Dick on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Moby Dick is not yet available on Netflix.
Directing | John Huston | Director |
Camera | Oswald Morris | Director of Photography |
Writing | Herman Melville | Author |
Production | John Huston | Producer |
Editing | Russell Lloyd | Editor |
Production | Vaughan N. Dean | Producer |
Writing | Ray Bradbury | Screenplay |
Writing | John Huston | Screenplay |
Sound | Philip Sainton | Original Music Composer |
Directing | Kevin McClory | Assistant Director |
Art | Ralph W. Brinton | Art Direction |
Sound | John W. Mitchell | Sound Recordist |
Camera | Freddie Francis | Second Unit Director of Photography |
Art | Stephen B. Grimes | Assistant Art Director |
Sound | Alex Pront | Sound |
Costume & Make-Up | Charles E. Parker | Makeup Designer |
Costume & Make-Up | Hilda Fox | Hairdresser |
Art | Geoffrey Drake | Production Design |
Costume & Make-Up | Elizabeth Haffenden | Costume Design |
Camera | Arthur Ibbetson | Camera Operator |
Sound | Len Shilton | Sound |
Sound | Louis Levy | Conductor |
Camera | Reg Pope | Clapper Loader |