Preach Modern shows a documentary team following Damien, an eager and charming student, to document his way into priesthood as a young adult. It quickly becomes clear that Damien has no idea about celibacy and to make matters worse, he is very popular among his female classmates. Throughout the documentary, Damien and his mentor, Father Titus, work towards a trial service that young Damien will hold at Father Titus' local church. On their way to promote the trial service and Catholicism, Titus encounters memories of his past as a young priest, and Damien must confront his female classmates, who are helplessly drawn to his charms. Will Damien be able to resist accidental temptation or is he in for an unexpected shock?
Is Preach Modern on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Preach Modern is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Preach Modern becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Lili Gensetter | Director |
Writing | Lili Gensetter | Writer |
Lighting | Bethan Rooms | Gaffer |
Sound | Cooper Roy | Sound Engineer |
Editing | Ben Allen | Assistant Editor |
Camera | Ben Allen | Camera Operator |
Production | Sarah Morton | Casting Assistant |
Directing | Ewan Knight | Script Supervisor |
Directing | Shreya Desai | Assistant Director |
Sound | Lucie Fehlbaum | Boom Operator |
Production | Lili Gensetter | Producer |
Camera | Ben Allen | Digital Imaging Technician |
Editing | Lili Gensetter | Editor |
Production | Ewan Knight | Production Assistant |
Sound | Manon Davenport | Sound Recordist |
Camera | Max Roach | Director of Photography |
Crew | Bethan Rooms | Driver |