A dark, gritty, dystopian, western action martial arts film featuring a strong 'no-holds-barred' female protagonist portrayed by action film star Cynthia Rothrock. The plot centers around a sheriff’s sister who seeks revenge against the terrifying leader of a group of outlaws after discovering he brutally murdered her brother, his wife, and other family members in a gritty southwestern town.
Is Black Creek on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Black Creek is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Black Creek becomes available on Netflix!
Writing | Cynthia Rothrock | Writer |
Directing | Shannon Lanier | Director |
Art | Marlin Shoop | Storyboard Artist |
Sound | Jim Peterik | Songs |
Production | Albin Sallansonnet | Associate Producer |
Production | Jody Nolan | Executive Producer |
Production | Robert Clancy | Producer |
Production | David Da Silva | Associate Producer |
Production | Cynthia Rothrock | Producer |
Directing | Mike Möller | Action Director |
Crew | Mike Möller | Fight Choreographer |
Costume & Make-Up | Myke Michaels | Makeup Designer |
Editing | Jason Howard | Assistant Editor |
Crew | Aaron Johnson Araza | Cinematography |
Costume & Make-Up | Cynthia Rothrock | Costume Design |
Writing | Robert Clancy | Writer |
Editing | Ben Ho | Editor |
Writing | Jeff Gress | Writer |
Costume & Make-Up | Robert Clancy | Costume Design |
Art | Adam Eckert | Art Direction |
Production | Benjy Gaither | Executive Producer |
Production | James Marlowe | Executive Producer |
Production | Maurice Elmalem | Executive Producer |
Production | Jim Peterik | Executive Producer |
Production | Dan Delts | Executive Producer |
Directing | Mike Möller | Director |