In this new documentary, produced by the Criterion Collection in 2022, directors Sean Baker and Shih-Ching Tsou and actors Charles Jang, Wang-Thye Lee, and Jeng-Hua Yu consider the making of the film and its importance in their lives since.
Is Reflecting On Take Out on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Reflecting On Take Out is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Reflecting On Take Out becomes available on Netflix!
Sound | Issa Clubb | Sound Recordist |
Production | Peter Becker | Executive Producer |
Production | Kim Hendrickson | Executive Producer |
Sound | Jim Kunz | Sound Recordist |
Production | Fumiko Takagi | Executive Producer |
Editing | Stephen Gurewitz | Editor |
Production | Angie Bucknell | Production Director |
Production | Issa Clubb | Producer |
Crew | Giles Sherwood | Post Production Supervisor |
Sound | Shih-Ching Tsou | Sound Recordist |
Editing | Jalen Anderson | Assistant Editor |
Production | Jonathan Turell | Executive Producer |
Editing | Gabriel Chávez | Online Editor |