
Companions (2023)

The tighter the circle, the lower the odds.

  • Genre: Drama, Thriller, War
  • Release Date: 2023-03-12
  • Runtime: 0h 18min
  • Director: Massimo Sautto


A lone wanderer yearns for companionship in a world where everyone looks out for only themselves. However, in the midst of a newfound camaraderie during battle, tension soon begins to rise as the pair drudges closer toward the inevitable.

Companions Trailer

Is Companions on Netflix?

Is Companions on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Companions is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Companions becomes available on Netflix!

  • Massimo Sautto

    as Mu-Mo Sourtoe (Symbiote Spider-Man)
  • vladikk87 (Nezumi)

    as Themself
  • Arthurboost (Lucky Card)

    as Themself
Editing Massimo Sautto Editor
Directing Massimo Sautto Director
Camera Massimo Sautto Director of Photography
