The Beanie Bubble follows the unbelievable tale of America’s most fascinating phenomenon – Beanie Babies. Flashing back to the 90’s and early 2000’s, we take an in-depth look at how the era-defining zeitgeist came to be, the mysterious man behind the mania, and the lives that were forever changed in its wake. This is not simply a retelling, but rather an exploration of the American Dream and what makes all people susceptible to buying into a fantasy.
Is The Beanie Bubble on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie The Beanie Bubble is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when The Beanie Bubble becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Ben Kitnick | Director |
Production | Anna Roberts | Producer |
Production | Ben J. Murphy | Producer |
Production | Josh Weinstock | Executive Producer |
Production | Max Weiner | Executive Producer |
Production | Brian Volk-Weiss | Producer |