The story revolves around a U-shaped alleyway in Lucknow, India, where various individuals reside. Mirza is a gentle and poetic man who runs a Tea and Kebab Stall. Hariya, a mischievous young man who develops one-sided feelings for Shabbo, a strong and outspoken young woman.
Is U Shape Ki Gully on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie U Shape Ki Gully is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when U Shape Ki Gully becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Avinash Das | Director |
Writing | Punarvasu | Writer |
Production | Jannisar Akhtar Hussain | Co-Producer |
Production | Adarsh Saxena | Co-Producer |
Production | Vinod Kumar | Producer |
Sound | Amaal Mallik | Music |
Crew | Arvind Kannabiran | Cinematography |
Art | Quincy Sanadhya | Production Design |
Production | John Panjtan | Unit Production Manager |
Camera | Sumer Singh Rathore | Still Photographer |