The film follows criminal justice reform advocate Kemba Smith, a woman charged as a co-conspirator to her college boyfriend's drug-trafficking crimes and sentenced to 24.5 years in federal prison with no opportunity for parole.
Is Kemba on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Kemba is not yet available on Netflix.
Production | Tara Gallardy | Co-Producer |
Production | Stephen Beehler | Co-Producer |
Editing | Kristina Kromer | Editor |
Directing | Kelley Kali | Director |
Production | Stacey Parks | Producer |
Production | Joseph Corey | Associate Producer |
Production | Kemba Smith | Executive Producer |
Sound | Stanley A. Smith | Sound |
Crew | Rasa Partin | Cinematography |
Production | Cherelle George | Co-Producer |
Production | Nick Reid | Executive Producer |
Production | Rob Pfaltzgraff | Producer |
Production | Lana Link | Producer |
Writing | Christine Swanson | Writer |
Production | Connie Orlando | Executive Producer |