Nícolas, a quiet young boy, receives an invitation to join a secret rebel group against the school's authoritarian rules. At first, he hesitates, but as he learns valuable lessons with his new friends about following his dreams and being who he truly is, the boy begins to change his view of the school system.
Is Automação dos Poetas Mortos on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Automação dos Poetas Mortos is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Automação dos Poetas Mortos becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Victor Gouvêa | Director |
Writing | Pedro Stering | Writer |
Writing | Victor Gouvêa | Writer |
Directing | Nícolas Augusto | Director |
Editing | Victor Gouvêa | Editor |
Camera | Erik Alves | Director of Photography |
Directing | Erik Alves | Co-Director |
Production | Victor Gouvêa | Producer |
Production | Mercedes Morte | Associate Producer |
Production | Nícolas Augusto | Producer |
Production | Pedro Sena | Co-Producer |
Production | Adriana de Lima | Associate Producer |