"Third Act" follows a beloved theater troupe facing eviction, prompting them to scheme a bank heist while filming on-site. Combining the humor of 'The Office' with the cinematic essence of 'Birdman', the film intertwines comedy and a behind-the-scenes vibe of the entertainment world.
Is Third Act on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Third Act is not yet available on Netflix.
Writing | Doug Montoya | Writer |
Production | Phillip Griego | Producer |
Sound | Chris Walsh | Music |
Crew | Jetto Dorsainville | Cinematography |
Editing | Phillip Griego | Editor |
Art | Zachary Weston | Set Decoration |
Crew | Phillip Griego | Post Production Supervisor |
Directing | Doug Montoya | Director |
Directing | Phillip Griego | Director |