The classic and beloved story from Dr. Seuss is now a CG animated film from 20th Century Fox Animation, the makers of the Ice Age films. An imaginative elephant named Horton (Jim Carrey) hears a faint cry for help coming from a tiny speck of dust floating through the air. Horton suspects there may be life on that speck and despite a surrounding community, which thinks he has lost his mind, he is determined to save the tiny particle! Jim Carrey and Steve Carell lead an all-star cast in bringing this wonderful family picture to life!
Is Horton Hears a Who! on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Horton Hears a Who! is not yet available on Netflix.
Production | Bob Gordon | Producer |
Directing | Steve Martino | Director |
Editing | Tim Nordquist | Editor |
Sound | John Powell | Original Music Composer |
Writing | Ken Daurio | Screenplay |
Directing | Jimmy Hayward | Director |
Production | Bruce Anderson | Producer |
Writing | Cinco Paul | Screenplay |
Production | Audrey Geisel | Executive Producer |
Production | Chris Wedge | Executive Producer |
Production | Chris Meledandri | Executive Producer |
Visual Effects | Paul Downs | Animation |
Writing | Ricardo Curtis | Head of Story |
Crew | Jeannine Berger | Post Production Supervisor |
Lighting | Arun Ram-Mohan | Lighting Artist |
Visual Effects | Barry E. Jackson | Visual Development |
Production | Christian Kaplan | Casting |
Art | Jeff Siergey | Additional Storyboarding |
Art | Cal Brunker | Storyboard Artist |
Art | Edmund Fong | Additional Storyboarding |
Art | Chris Renaud | Storyboard Artist |
Art | William H. Frake III | Storyboard Artist |
Art | Martin Fuller | Storyboard Artist |
Art | Crystal Chesney | Additional Storyboarding |
Art | Frank Marino | Additional Storyboarding |
Art | Stephanie Arnett | Additional Storyboarding |
Art | Rich Moore | Additional Storyboarding |
Art | Eric Favela | Storyboard Artist |
Art | Wilbert Plijnaar | Additional Storyboarding |
Art | Jeff Biancalana | Storyboard Artist |
Lighting | David Esneault | Lighting Director |
Art | Tony Maki | Storyboard Artist |
Art | Rafael Zentil | Storyboard Artist |
Art | Jony Chandra | Storyboard Artist |
Art | Karen Disher | Storyboard Artist |
Art | Chris Gilligan | Additional Storyboarding |
Writing | Dr. Seuss | Book |
Crew | Tansal Arnas | Schedule Coordinator |
Art | J.G. Quintel | Additional Storyboarding |
Art | Moroni Taylor | Storyboard Artist |
Art | Lizette Vega | Set Designer |
Art | Thomas Cardone | Art Direction |
Art | Michael Knapp | Set Designer |
Visual Effects | Jamie Kirschenbaum | Senior Visual Effects Supervisor |
Visual Effects | Alen Lai | Senior Visual Effects Supervisor |
Sound | Tom Carlson | Supervising Music Editor |
Sound | Randy Thom | Sound Designer |
Art | Guillermo Willie Real | Set Designer |
Sound | Randy Thom | Supervising Sound Editor |
Art | Nash Dunnigan | Set Designer |
Art | Jake Parker | Set Designer |
Sound | Dennis Leonard | Supervising Sound Editor |
Art | Kyle Macnaughton | Set Designer |
Visual Effects | Rhett Collier | Senior Visual Effects Supervisor |