In a realm where souls shape their destinies at "The Bookshelf", two determined souls strive for overlapping life stories. As they both reach for the same essential books, time ticks away. Surprisingly, their clash leads to an extraordinary outcome...
Is The Bookshelf on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie The Bookshelf is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when The Bookshelf becomes available on Netflix!
Art | Max Willocx | Assistant Director of Photography |
Editing | Fiebe Lippens | Editor |
Directing | Fiebe Lippens | Director |
Costume & Make-Up | Petra Van Moorleghem | Costume Design |
Art | Gert Lippens | Decorator |
Camera | Fiebe Lippens | Director of Photography |
Writing | Fiebe Lippens | Writer |