The story begins with the emergence of the first high-tech molcar in Molcity, with drivers beginning to ride state-of-the-art AI-driven Molcars. Potato and friends get involved in a chase between a mysterious organization and a Molcar AI named Cannon, and are saved by a talented driver. Potato finds out that the driver is in search of his missing Molcar, and gets the idea to use Cannon's AI functionality to help with the search.
Is Pui Pui Molcar the Movie: MOLMAX on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Pui Pui Molcar the Movie: MOLMAX is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Pui Pui Molcar the Movie: MOLMAX becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Mankyu | Director |
Writing | Yuko Kakihara | Screenplay |
Writing | Tomoki Misato | Original Concept |