Le bec fin is a renowned institution where two types of customers go: some choose and others are chosen. Roland decided to be chosen. He has an appointment at 9 a.m.
Is Le bec fin on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Le bec fin is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Le bec fin becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Evan Argento | Director |
Writing | Evan Argento | Writer |
Production | Dahlia Roger-Lacan | Producer |
Crew | Julien Borel | Cinematography |
Directing | Mahaut Guillon | Assistant Director |
Sound | Nicia Mougenot | Sound |
Lighting | Zoé Viveiros | Lighting Director |
Lighting | Aziyadé Abauzit | Lighting Director |
Crew | Marthe Jacquet | Script |