Mush Luv

Mush Luv

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Runtime: 0h 7min
  • Production Company: Waterproof Productions
  • Director: N'namdi Andersen


Tony and Ajani, two mushroom foragers based in Minneapolis, spend the day foraging at a local park and musing on the power of nature.

Mush Luv Trailer

Is Mush Luv on Netflix?

Is Mush Luv on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Mush Luv is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Mush Luv becomes available on Netflix!

  • Tony Cineus

    as Self
  • Ajani Rowland

    as Self
Camera N'namdi Andersen Director of Photography
Directing N'namdi Andersen Director
