Based on the classic novella by Robert Louis Stevenson, "Hyde" tells the story of successful defense attorney Edward Hyde, who has the perfect family to go along with his perfect job...even though he finds himself struggling to balance the two at times. Once a horrible tragedy strikes, Edward begins to go down a dark path that leads him to spiral out of control...transforming into something else entirely.
Is Hyde on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Hyde is not yet available on Netflix.
Directing | Matthew Winstead | Director |
Crew | Matthew Winstead | Cinematography |
Writing | Matthew Winstead | Writer |
Writing | Miles Sadler | Writer |
Writing | Robert Louis Stevenson | Novel |
Sound | Mitch Winstead | Sound Director |
Sound | Mitch Winstead | Music |
Production | Mitch Winstead | Producer |
Production | Matthew Winstead | Executive Producer |
Production | David Draper Jr. | Producer |
Crew | Mitch Winstead | Cinematography |
Editing | Mitch Winstead | Editor |
Production | Jane Terebey | Casting |
Production | Avra Sullivan | Casting |
Production | David Draper Jr. | Casting |
Production | Matthew Winstead | Casting Director |
Art | Harman | Graphic Designer |
Production | Logan Sullivan | Production Assistant |
Crew | Kevin Smith | Thanks |
Crew | David Draper Jr. | Thanks |
Crew | Avra Sullivan | Thanks |
Crew | Tim Carper | In Memory Of |
Crew | Eric Asche | Cinematography |