“Tucaneira: Wooden Hands” is a captivating mini-documentary that takes us on a fascinating journey through the world of a skilled artisan who works with wood at an eco-solidarity fair held in a university environment. In this brief and inspiring portrait, we explore the life and craft of Manoel, a master craftsman whose hands transform tree trunks into true works of art. Through beautiful images, testimonials and captivating photographs, the documentary reveals Manoel's passion for his art. He shares his inspirations and motivations, highlighting how his work is deeply rooted in sustainability and respect for nature. “Tucaneira: Wooden Hands” is a mini-documentary that not only celebrates the talent and dedication of an exceptional artisan, but also reminds us of the importance of supporting initiatives and fairs that promote eco-solidarity, art and sustainability in a vibrant and inspiring university .
Is Tucaneira: Wooden Hands on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Tucaneira: Wooden Hands is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Tucaneira: Wooden Hands becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Gustavo Kolan | Director |
Camera | Gustavo Kolan | Director of Photography |
Sound | Gustavo Kolan | Sound Director |
Production | Eduarda Hoffmann | Producer |
Production | Crystal Monteiro | Producer's Assistant |
Camera | Leonardo Gentil Schüler | Assistant Camera |
Camera | Eduarda Hoffmann | Assistant Camera |
Directing | Leonardo Gentil Schüler | Script Coordinator |
Directing | Gustavo Kolan | Script Supervisor |
Production | Francine Romani | Script Researcher |
Camera | Dales Hoeckesfeld | Still Photographer |
Art | Gustavo Kolan | Art Direction |