In 2024, Abdelkrim Baba Aissa, aged 75, engages in a series of filmed interviews with Algerian journalist Thoria Smati. They address the chronology of the rich and committed career of this self-taught Algerian actor, director, producer and screenwriter, who made his debut on Algerian television as an assistant director then at ONCIC as a director in the years 70.
Is Interviews with Abdelkrim Baba Aïssa on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Interviews with Abdelkrim Baba Aïssa is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Interviews with Abdelkrim Baba Aïssa becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Thoria Smati | Director |
Writing | Thoria Smati | Writer |
Crew | Thoria Smati | Cinematography |