Smoke Signals

Smoke Signals

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Runtime: 0h 17min
  • Language: English
  • Director: James DeLisio


"Smoke Signals" follows the volunteers at High Point Lookout, one of the last remaining fire lookout towers in California. Alternating between the daily duties of the fire lookouts, and a series of profiles on wildfires that have traced their history, "Smoke Signals" questions the role of the fire lookouts in the face of rapidly advancing technology and climate change.

Smoke Signals Trailer

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Is Smoke Signals on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Smoke Signals is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Smoke Signals becomes available on Netflix!

  • Chris Blake

    as Self
  • Leif Blensly

    as Self
Directing James DeLisio Director
Crew Michael Sain Cinematography
