Corrupt Colour follows childhood friends and self-proclaimed internet pop-stars, Emily and Gia as they set up their first live concert but their delusions of grandeur are compromised when the live show of their dreams becomes a nightmare. The show must go on and with the help of their closest friends, irreverent leads Emily and Gia are forced to reckon with their true place in the public eye. With poignant lyrics, loud personalities, and unique creative decisions, Emily and Gia take us on a hilarious and melancholy journey through identity in the digital age that leaves us all asking "who am I trying to be?"
Is Corrupt Colour on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Corrupt Colour is not yet available on Netflix.
Camera | Chloe Smith | Director of Photography |
Sound | Tim Bohrman | Sound Recordist |
Camera | Teruhiko Hotta | Camera Operator |
Camera | Isis Richards | Camera Operator |
Camera | Timothy Bohrman | Camera Operator |
Camera | Ruby Soudant | Camera Operator |
Camera | Carmen Green | Camera Operator |
Editing | Carmen Green | Editor |
Directing | Carmen Caska | Director |