The film tells the story of three village friends who are not very lucky — a combine harvester, a shepherd and an unemployed man. Due to circumstances, they got into a difficult situation, which requires a lot of money to get out of...
Is Robbery in Udmurt Style on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Robbery in Udmurt Style is not yet available on Netflix.
Production | Артем Медведев | Producer |
Writing | Максим Колганов | Writer |
Writing | Dmitriy Moguchev | Writer |
Directing | Dmitriy Moguchev | Director |
Writing | Алексей Котков | Writer |
Camera | Артем Медведев | Camera Operator |
Sound | Матвей Гузеев | Sound |
Sound | Роман Болтачев | Sound |
Art | Nikolay Petrov | Art Designer |
Art | Елена Корепанова | Art Designer |