The film tells the story of three village friends who are not very lucky — a combine harvester, a shepherd and an unemployed man. Due to circumstances, they got into a difficult situation, which requires a lot of money to get out of...
Is Robbery in Udmurt Style on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Robbery in Udmurt Style is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Robbery in Udmurt Style becomes available on Netflix!
Writing | Максим Колганов | Writer |
Sound | Роман Болтачев | Sound |
Production | Артем Медведев | Producer |
Camera | Артем Медведев | Camera Operator |
Directing | Dmitriy Moguchev | Director |
Art | Елена Корепанова | Art Designer |
Writing | Dmitriy Moguchev | Writer |
Art | Nikolay Petrov | Art Designer |
Writing | Алексей Котков | Writer |
Sound | Матвей Гузеев | Sound |