The story of the musical friendship between veteran musician/filmmaker André Luiz Oliveira and Lorenzo Barreto, a boy with autism, over 15 years.
Is Meu Amigo Lorenzo on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Meu Amigo Lorenzo is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Meu Amigo Lorenzo becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | André Luiz Oliveira | Director |
Sound | Marcos Manna | Sound |
Sound | André Luiz Oliveira | Original Music Composer |
Production | Clarisse Prestes | Researcher |
Writing | André Luiz Oliveira | Screenplay |
Sound | Micael Guimarães | Sound Designer |
Production | Thay Limeira | Producer |
Production | Sueli Navarro | Production Assistant |
Editing | André Luiz Oliveira | Editor |
Camera | Adelson Barreto | Director of Photography |
Sound | Micael Guimarães | Sound Mixer |
Production | Carina Bini | Executive Producer |