1984: Scientists and a group of cultists discover intelligent beings in space. The initial effects of their alien biological order are terrible. The doctors are at a loss. But despite increased security measures, life still goes on. "Beings from another star? - That's ridiculous!" The show must go on. Two attractive young girls rehearse a dance for a commercial, but the recording equipment goes on strike. Filming is finished. Full of optimism for their future, the girls travel to a theater director's hotel. However: "Mr. Goldwine has been missing for three days. Only his luggage is still here." Tina, who painfully remembers her last love, is brought to her senses by the cool, blonde Doris. Now it's time to take a deep breath. Strangely, the flowers in the window box have withered. Fluorescent stones glitter instead and are picked up hypnotized. The UFOS break through the earth's atmosphere. People are carried off by rays of aggression.
Is Smash - Gefahr aus der Unendlichkeit on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Smash - Gefahr aus der Unendlichkeit is not yet available on Netflix.
Production | Karl Walter Lindenlaub | Unit Manager |
Editing | Corina Dietz | Editor |
Writing | Uli Möller | Writers' Assistant |
Sound | Lothar Meid | Original Music Composer |
Production | Tilmann Taube | Line Producer |
Sound | Angelika Legge | Sound |
Camera | Mika Kaurismäki | Assistant Camera |
Art | Roland Emmerich | Production Design |
Sound | Mel Kutbay | Foley Artist |
Camera | Helge Weindler | Director of Photography |
Production | Heiner Stadler | Line Producer |
Camera | Christoph Fromm | Assistant Camera |
Directing | Gisela Weilemann | Director |
Directing | Uli Möller | Assistant Director |
Art | Egon Werdin | Production Design |
Production | Oswald von Richthofen | Production Manager |
Editing | Helga Borsche | Editor |
Production | Gabriele M. Walther | Production Manager |
Production | Rainer Künzel | Unit Manager |
Writing | Gisela Weilemann | Writer |