Popular idol duo Shinji and Shigeru. He retired from the entertainment industry after an injury incident five years ago. A few years later, Shigeru, now the production president, brings a new idol, Takuma, to Shinji, who is now a popular choreographer. At first, Takuma was at odds with Shinji who was giving him harsh lessons, but gradually Takuma's passion got through to him and they started to trust each other.
Is Otoko mai: Love lesson on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Otoko mai: Love lesson is not yet available on Netflix.
Directing | Kazuyoshi Sekine | Director |
Directing | Keita Katayama | Assistant Director |
Writing | Keita Katayama | Screenplay |
Crew | Katsuji Oyamada | Cinematography |
Sound | Major Maco | Music |
Lighting | Kazuo Akiyama | Lighting Technician |