This documentary short-film follows the story of The White Bus Cinema based in Southend-on-Sea. They keep the process of projecting real celluloid film alive by showing films from their archive of over 3,000 films, ranging from Super 8, 16mm, and 35mm prints. The film argues why it's important to continue the shooting and projection process of film in our current age of digital shooting and projection in modern Hollywood, amidst the chaos of studios removing films from their streaming services.
Is Archive of Life on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Archive of Life is not yet available on Netflix.
Writing | Morgan Mackerness | Writer |
Sound | Trystan Sibley | Sound Designer |
Sound | Max Flenley | Music |
Directing | Morgan Mackerness | Director |
Production | Jayne Grace | Producer |
Editing | Thomas Whitworth | Editor |
Crew | Ellie Price | Cinematography |