A veteran hitman who has failed his job and returns to his hometown of Okinawa to escape from the organization's pursuit. Decades later, in Okinawa, he meets his nephew, a beautiful young man. He falls in love with the young man, but eventually the organization follows him to Okinawa and starts closing in on them...
Is Deadline Birds, Sound in the Souls of Men on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Deadline Birds, Sound in the Souls of Men is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Deadline Birds, Sound in the Souls of Men becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Takesaku Niisato | Director |
Writing | Futoshi Nakano | Screenplay |
Crew | Norimasa Nakamoto | Cinematography |
Directing | Ken'ichi Fujiwara | Assistant Director |
Directing | Yutaka Onishi | Assistant Director |
Sound | GAIYA | Music |
Editing | Shōji Sakai | Editor |