Short film inspired by the book "El Túnel" from Ernesto Sabato, which tells the story about Juan Pablo Castel, a reclusive and introspective painter who becomes obsessed with a woman named María Iribarne. Castel's fixation leads him to a tumultuous relationship with María, marked by jealousy, possessiveness, and paranoia, starting to break not only his life, but also his mental state.
Is El Túnel on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie El Túnel is not yet available on Netflix.
Camera | Juan Sebastián Ayala | Camera Operator |
Directing | Baltazar Toro | Director |
Directing | Juan Sebastián Ayala | Director |
Writing | Juan Sebastián Ayala | Writer |
Writing | Baltazar Toro | Writer |
Editing | Juan Sebastián Ayala | Editor |
Camera | Baltazar Toro | Camera Operator |
Writing | Samuel Alejandro González | Writer |
Writing | Jose Miguel Peña | Writer |