Documentary tells the story of the Chilean football club Colo-Colo, exploring its profound impact on popular culture and the everyday lives of its fans. Throughout the film, it shows how the club has transcended sport to become a symbol of resistance, pride, and class struggle in Chile.
Is El Equipo del Pueblo on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie El Equipo del Pueblo is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when El Equipo del Pueblo becomes available on Netflix!
Sound | Ignacio Mardones | Sound Assistant |
Directing | Ignacio Mardones | Director |
Production | Ignacio Mardones | Producer |
Production | Tomás Guajardo | Producer |
Camera | Tomás Guajardo | Director of Photography |
Editing | Ignacio Mardones | Editor |
Editing | Nicolas Cabezas | Editor |
Camera | Tomás Guajardo | Camera Operator |
Camera | Ignacio Mardones | Camera Operator |
Sound | Nicolas Cabezas | Sound |
Sound | Allan Fuentes | Sound Assistant |
Camera | Allan Fuentes | Camera Operator |
Editing | Ignacio Mardones | Colorist |
Sound | Nicolas Cabezas | Sound Post Supervisor |
Writing | Ignacio Mardones | Writer |