Southern Border

Southern Border (2003)

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release Date: 2003-01-01
  • Runtime: 0h 13min
  • Language: Español
  • Production Company: La Maquina Vegetariana de Picar Carne y Pandeajo
  • Production Country: Spain
  • Directors: Àlex Muñoz, Helena Maleno.


On the border, the line as principle of property and belonging reaches an extreme dimension where it physically defines the sphere of its relations. Those who transgress it reconstruct these imaginary lines on a daily basis, redefining the traditional geography and occupying the non-spaces where others live in a temporary form of existence. These others, the non-citizens, are phantasmtic, exchangeable parts of a flexible market. Made invisible, they are permanently controlled persons. Under the pretext of a greater civilian security, they are kept clear from the public spaces reserved for the citizens with rights and pushed into non-public spaces, which are run by state and military surveillance, multinational operations servicing a European market and non-governmental organisations.

Southern Border Trailer

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Directing Àlex Muñoz Director
Directing Helena Maleno Director
Editing Víctor Rins Editor
