In Miami’s neon-lit streets, “EXOTIC” follows Alejandro Vasquez, a charismatic entrepreneur leading a double life. Publicly, he runs an exotic car rental business, but secretly, he operates a criminal organization for the Calamar Cartel. His life is upended when Isabella, a New York journalist, arrives to expose Miami’s underworld. As she gets closer to the truth, tensions rise and loyalties are tested. “EXOTIC” is a thrilling tale of crime and redemption, blurring the line between hero and villain against Miami’s glamorous backdrop.
Is EXOTIC on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie EXOTIC is not yet available on Netflix.
Camera | Segrin Phillips | Director of Photography |
Sound | Segrin Phillips | Music |
Production | Segrin Phillips | Executive Producer |
Production | Dannah Wallace | Production Assistant |
Writing | Segrin Phillips | Writer |
Directing | Segrin Phillips | Director |
Editing | Segrin Phillips | Editor |
Production | Vanessa Cesar | Executive Producer |