In a film marked by social clash and family crises, the narrative delves into the emotional intricacies of its central character, Dhruvo. Raised in the countryside by his struggling mother, Dhruvo moves to the city in search of job opportunities, burdened by the loss of his father before birth and a persistent emptiness in his life. Despite his devotion to his mother, he remains unable to alleviate her pain. His life takes a dramatic turn with the arrival of Miss Zara, leading to a turbulent love triangle involving his girlfriend Taniya. Accompanied by his friend Saif, Dhruvo embarks on a journey of self-discovery, only to uncover a hidden past of his mother. Surrounded by societal prejudices and personal doubts, Dhruvo navigates through challenges to ultimately find a path to new possibilities and personal freedom.
Is Megher Kopat (Love Under the Clouds) on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Megher Kopat (Love Under the Clouds) is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Megher Kopat (Love Under the Clouds) becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Walid Ahmed | Director |
Writing | Walid Ahmed | Dialogue |
Sound | Dilruba Kamal | Vocals |
Sound | Rupankar Bagchi | Vocals |
Camera | Hasan Jewel | Director of Photography |
Writing | Walid Ahmed | Lyricist |
Writing | Afroza Momen | Story |
Sound | Afroza Momen | Vocals |
Sound | Arka Sarkar | Sound Engineer |
Sound | Rupankar Bagchi | Music Director |
Sound | Avishek Saha | Music Director |
Production | Arka Sarkar | Coordinating Producer |
Production | Walid Ahmed | Producer |
Production | Afroza Momen | Producer |
Editing | Neel | Editor |
Sound | Walid Ahmed | Music Director |
Editing | Subhajit Singha | Editor |
Writing | Walid Ahmed | Screenplay |
Crew | Cindy Rolling | Choreographer |
Sound | Anindya Chatterjee | Vocals |
Sound | Javed Ali | Vocals |