Description : Set in the American Wild West, this French-language film quickly overcomes its dire beginning--the Native American ambush of a group of immigrants--and becomes an enjoyable comedy. When the adults of Big City leave for the ambush site, the children realize they are all alone and in charge. With a cast composed almost entirely of young people...
Is Big City on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Big City is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Big City becomes available on Netflix!
Production | Farid Chaouche | Executive Producer |
Writing | Djamel Bensalah | Writer |
Directing | Djamel Bensalah | Director |
Costume & Make-Up | Nathalie Leborgne | Costume Design |
Camera | Pascal Gennesseaux | Director of Photography |
Editing | Jean-François Elie | Editor |
Crew | Sally Bishop | Stunts |