In this charming animation, lovingly drawn ink-to-paper over 4 years, a man is driven to insanity by the constant barking of the dog next door. As things come to a head, the warring neighbours find out whose bark is worse than their bite.
Is Most People Love Dogs on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Most People Love Dogs is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Most People Love Dogs becomes available on Netflix!
Production | Georgina Rowlands | Producer |
Directing | Ben Porro | Director |
Visual Effects | Ben Porro | Animation |
Writing | Ben Porro | Writer |
Writing | Georgina Rowlands | Writer |
Sound | Ally Collins | Music |
Sound | Ally Collins | Musician |
Sound | Ezekiel Ajie | Musician |
Sound | Harrison Perkins | Musician |
Sound | Jane Lo | Sound Mixer |
Sound | Anjelo Disons Ntege | Sound Engineer |