Catalina Feliu is eighty-nine years old and lives in the first house built in Magaluf. She adapts to the changes in her environment: she sleeps when Magaluf wakes up.
Is Catalina and Magaluf on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Catalina and Magaluf is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Catalina and Magaluf becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | María Pujalte Aleñar | Director |
Directing | Jordi Suárez | Assistant Director |
Production | Ana Gallardo | Producer |
Crew | Pere Baos | Cinematography |
Editing | Santiago Gioseffi | Editor |
Sound | Rubén Pérez | Sound |
Crew | Constança Palou | Script |
Writing | María Pujalte Aleñar | Writer |