Adventure-seeker Ted Osborne has convinced his finacee Carole to finance his expedition to an uncharted South Pacific island supposedly populated with dinosaurs...
Is Unknown Island on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Unknown Island is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Unknown Island becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Jack Bernhard | Director |
Sound | Max M. Hutchinson | Sound |
Camera | John Livesley | Grip |
Writing | Robert T. Shannon | Story |
Writing | Robert T. Shannon | Screenplay |
Writing | Jack Harvey | Screenplay |
Production | Albert J. Cohen | Producer |
Sound | Raoul Kraushaar | Original Music Composer |
Camera | Fred Jackman Jr. | Director of Photography |
Editing | Harry Gerstad | Editor |
Art | Jerome Pycha Jr. | Art Direction |
Art | Robert Priestley | Set Decoration |
Costume & Make-Up | Harry Ross | Makeup Supervisor |
Costume & Make-Up | Maria Marsha | Hairstylist |
Production | Rudolph E. Abel | Production Manager |
Crew | Ellis Burman | Special Effects |