Echo in the Desert

Echo in the Desert

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Runtime: 1h 36min
  • Language: Deutsch
  • Production Company: Film Schmid Videoproduktion
  • Production Country: Iran, Switzerland


In the vastness of the Iranian desert, young artists strive for freedom, community, and the preservation of their cultural heritage in the ancient caravanserai of Deyr-e Gachin, while facing the harsh conditions of their surroundings.

Echo in the Desert Trailer

Is Echo in the Desert on Netflix?

Is Echo in the Desert on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Echo in the Desert is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Echo in the Desert becomes available on Netflix!

Production Luca Schmid Producer
Production Bianca Schellander Co-Producer
Writing Bianca Schellander Writer
Writing Luca Schmid Writer
