An interview documentary about Finnish military court sentencing procedures after the Continuation War.
Is Isänmaan vangit on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Isänmaan vangit is not yet available on Netflix.
Directing | Michael Franck | Director |
Crew | Kari Sorsa | Cinematography |
Editing | Antti Kari | Editor |
Sound | Tuomas Kantelinen | Music |
Sound | Anssi Tamminen | Sound Mixer |
Editing | Pauli Huhtaniemi | Online Editor |
Production | Marit Hohtokari | Head of Production |
Production | Pekka Konttori | Producer |
Production | Johanna Pöyry | Production Assistant |
Production | Tiina Shreck | Production Assistant |
Production | Patricia Nakell | Production Assistant |
Art | Tuula Tossavainen | Graphic Designer |
Art | Anne Kimiläinen | Graphic Designer |
Crew | Satu Virtanen | Translator |