In 1858, an eccentric young governess named Winifred Notty arrives at the remote gothic manor known as Ensor House. As Winifred assimilates into life at Ensor House, staff members begin to inexplicably disappear, and the owners of the estate begin to wonder if there is something amiss about their new governess.
Is Victorian Psycho on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Victorian Psycho is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Victorian Psycho becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Zachary Wigon | Director |
Writing | Virginia Feito | Writer |
Production | Dan Kagan | Producer |
Production | Sebastien Raybaud | Producer |
Production | Nick Shumaker | Executive Producer |
Production | Bard Dorros | Executive Producer |
Production | Zachary Wigon | Producer |
Writing | Virginia Feito | Novel |