Charming animated sequel to Raymond Briggs's classic The Snowman. When a young boy and his mother move house, he builds a Snowman and a Snowdog who magically come to life.
Is The Snowman and The Snowdog on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie The Snowman and The Snowdog is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when The Snowman and The Snowdog becomes available on Netflix!
Writing | Joanna Harrison | Writer |
Crew | Raymond Briggs | Creator |
Visual Effects | Angeline De Silva | Animation |
Sound | Ilan Eshkeri | Original Music Composer |
Sound | Andy Burrows | Original Music Composer |
Directing | Hilary Audus | Director |
Writing | Hilary Audus | Writer |
Art | Richard Nye | Storyboard Artist |
Visual Effects | Peter Dodd | Lead Animator |
Visual Effects | Richard Nye | 2D Artist |
Sound | Stephen McLaughlin | Music Producer |
Sound | Andrew Brown | Conductor |
Writing | Raymond Briggs | Characters |