Due to a learning disability, Josie's life in a tiny town revolves around a menial job taking care of a garage that could close at any day. Things start to change, however, when David, the son of his boss' girlfriend, comes to work with him. Josie hangs out with David and his teenage friends, bringing them beer, and despite being a grown man himself, finds that the new company lifts his spirits. But his simple-mindedness blinds him to some potential legal dangers.
Is Garage on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Garage is not yet available on Netflix.
Directing | Lenny Abrahamson | Director |
Costume & Make-Up | Sonya Lennon | Costume Design |
Sound | Stephen Rennicks | Music |
Production | Ed Guiney | Producer |
Camera | Peter Robertson | Director of Photography |
Art | Padraig O'Neill | Set Designer |
Editing | Isobel Stephenson | Editor |
Writing | Mark O'Halloran | Screenplay |
Production | Andrew Lowe | Executive Producer |
Sound | Robert Flanagan | Sound Director |