The true-life story of a Harlem's notorious Nicky Barnes, a junkie turned multimillionaire drug-lord. Follow his life story from his rough childhood to the last days of his life.
Is Mr. Untouchable on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Mr. Untouchable is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Mr. Untouchable becomes available on Netflix!
Production | Mary-Jane Robinson | Producer |
Production | Joana Vicente | Producer |
Production | Alex Gibney | Producer |
Production | Jason Kliot | Producer |
Production | Todd Wagner | Executive Producer |
Directing | Marc Levin | Director |
Production | Daphne Pinkerson | Production Supervisor |
Production | Will Albright | Producer |
Crew | Andrew Schwarz | Production Intern |
Camera | Henry Adebonojo | Director of Photography |
Production | Mark Cuban | Executive Producer |