The lives of Ted and Marion Cole are thrown into disarray when their two adolescent sons die in a car wreck. Marion withdraws from Ted and Ruth, the couple's daughter. Ted, a well-known writer, hires as his assistant a student named Eddie, who looks oddly similar to one of the Coles' dead sons. The couple separate, and Marion begins an affair with Eddie, while Ted has a dalliance with his neighbor Evelyn.
Is The Door in the Floor on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie The Door in the Floor is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when The Door in the Floor becomes available on Netflix!
Writing | Tod Williams | Screenplay |
Writing | John Irving | Novel |
Directing | Tod Williams | Director |
Sound | Marcelo Zarvos | Original Music Composer |
Editing | Affonso Gonçalves | Editor |
Costume & Make-Up | Eric Daman | Costume Design |
Camera | Terry Stacey | Director of Photography |
Art | Nick Evans | Set Decoration |
Production | Amy J. Kaufman | Executive Producer |
Production | Julie Fischer | Post Production Producer |
Crew | Peter Bucossi | Stunt Coordinator |
Art | Thérèse DePrez | Production Design |
Production | Roger Marino | Executive Producer |
Production | Anne Carey | Producer |
Crew | Bill Anagnos | Stunts |
Art | Nicholas Lundy | Art Direction |
Production | Michael Corrente | Producer |
Crew | Frank Ferrara | Stunts |
Crew | Loyd Catlett | Stunts |
Production | Ted Hope | Producer |
Crew | Janet Paparazzo | Stunts |
Crew | D.J. Surgent | Stunts |
Production | Ann Goulder | Casting |
Production | Marisa Polvino | Co-Producer |
Crew | Keith Siglinger | Stunts |
Costume & Make-Up | Valli O'Reilly | Makeup Artist |
Costume & Make-Up | Ronnie Specter | Makeup Artist |
Costume & Make-Up | Thomas Nellen | Makeup Artist |
Costume & Make-Up | Susan Germaine | Hairstylist |
Costume & Make-Up | Mitchell Stone | Hairstylist |
Sound | Marko Costanzo | Foley Artist |