Set in 1932, amid the rise of militarism after the establishment of the Manchukuo colony in Northeast China, the story centers on a trio of karateka. Studying under their aging master in a small dojo in the woods of central Kyushu, Choei, Taikan and Giryu face a company of kempeitai military police come to requisition their dojo for use as a military base.
Is Black Belt on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Black Belt is not yet available on Netflix.
Directing | Shunichi Nagasaki | Director |
Writing | George Iida | Writer |
Editing | Hirohide Abe | Editor |
Sound | Naoki Sato | Original Music Composer |
Sound | Yutaka Tsurumaki | Sound |
Art | Tatsuo Ozeki | Production Design |
Art | Atsuro Hirai | Production Design |
Camera | Masato Kaneko | Director of Photography |
Lighting | Hideki Tateno | Gaffer |