Kalyani, a poor labourer, strives hard to make a living and provide for Chellamma, his innocent eight-year-old daughter.
Is Thanga Meenkal on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Thanga Meenkal is not yet available on Netflix.
Directing | Mari Selvaraj | First Assistant Director |
Sound | Yuvan Shankar Raja | Music |
Directing | Ram | Director |
Production | Reshma Ghatala | Producer |
Production | Venkat Somasundaram | Producer |
Production | Gautham Vasudev Menon | Producer |
Editing | Sreekar Prasad | Editor |
Writing | Ram | Screenplay |
Production | JSK.Satish Kumar | Producer |
Camera | Arbhindu Saaraa | Director of Photography |
Writing | Na. Muthu Kumar | Lyricist |
Writing | Ram | Story |