By following the lives of five Japanese individuals this documentary explores the problem of depression in Japan and how the marketing of anti-depressant drugs has changed the way the Japanese view depression. Marketing of anti-depressants did not begin in Japan until the late 1990s and prior to this, depression was not widely recognized as a problem by the Japanese public. Since then, use of anti-depressants has sky-rocketed and use of the Japanese word "utsu" to describe depression has become commonplace, having previously been used only by psychiatric professionals.
Is Does Your Soul Have a Cold? on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie Does Your Soul Have a Cold? is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Does Your Soul Have a Cold? becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Mike Mills | Director |
Production | Takuo Yasuda | Producer |
Production | Callum Greene | Producer |
Production | Mike Mills | Producer |
Crew | Linda Lichter | Legal Services |