The Haunted World of El Superbeasto is an animated comedy that also combines elements of a horror and thriller film. It is based upon the comic book series created by Rob Zombie that follows the character of El Superbeasto and his sexy sidekick sister, Suzi-X, voiced by Sheri Moon, as they confront an evil villain by the name of Dr. Satan.
Is The Haunted World of El Superbeasto on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie The Haunted World of El Superbeasto is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when The Haunted World of El Superbeasto becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Rob Zombie | Director |
Writing | Tom Papa | Writer |
Writing | Rob Zombie | Writer |
Production | Tom Klein | Producer |
Writing | Joe Orrantia | Storyboard |
Writing | Marco Cinello | Storyboard |
Directing | Audrey Stedman | Layout |
Writing | Carey Yost | Storyboard |
Visual Effects | Richard J. Gasparian | Animation Manager |
Art | Jennifer Yuan | Background Designer |
Directing | Mike Disa | Assistant Director |
Directing | Joe Ekers | Assistant Director |
Writing | John Achenbach | Storyboard |
Writing | Mike Bell | Storyboard |
Art | Kimberly Bitsui | Background Designer |
Writing | Barry Caldwell | Storyboard |
Crew | Louie C. Jhocson | Compositors |
Writing | Steven Dean Moore | Storyboard |
Directing | Steven Dean Moore | Layout |
Crew | Marc Ceccarelli | Special Effects |
Crew | John Dillon | Special Effects |
Art | Miles Thompson | Background Designer |
Art | Mr. Lawrence | Art Department Manager |
Production | Jeremy Platt | Co-Producer |