In this autobiographical animated short, Elise Simard crafts the story of a young girl seeking self-discovery and rebirth. Drifting between real and imagined events, the film uses time-lapse photography with ink and pastels, creating a haunting, compassionate exploration of addiction and existence.
Is My Little Underground on Netflix? Unfortunately the movie My Little Underground is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when My Little Underground becomes available on Netflix!
Crew | Emmanuel Suquet | Compositor |
Sound | Shelley Craig | Sound Re-Recording Mixer |
Sound | Sarah Pagé | Musician |
Sound | Karla Baumgardner | Foley Artist |
Editing | Pascale Paroissien | Editor |
Crew | Élise Simard | Script |
Production | Roddy McManus | Executive Producer |
Editing | Denis Gathelier | Editor |
Production | David Verrall | Executive Producer |
Production | Michael Fukushima | Producer |
Sound | Rebecca Foon | Music |
Sound | Luigi Allemano | Sound Designer |
Sound | Rebecca Foon | Musician |
Directing | Élise Simard | Director |